Oh friends, it’s a SPECIAL day on the podcast today!! We’ve just hit our 20th episode and we are bubbling with excitement! And for this extra special day, we want to chat about a topic that pretty much makes us able to get on here and chat in your ear buds each week:
We wanted to open up the conversation about leadership with the hopes of empowering you. In later episodes we’d love to dive deeper into specifics about perhaps leading a group, or leading an organization, or being a leader in your family. But before you can do any of that - we must first learn to lead ourselves and what it means to be a good leader.
But first, foremost and always - the #1 person you have to lead is yourself.
Start here. Fill your cup. Get your mental & physical health right. Figure out your best daily routines, your ideal weekly plans. Tend to your own house & then move outward from there.
Our First Leadership Reference: Craig Groeschel Leadership Types
1. Unpredictable leaders produce hesitant followers
2. Domineering leaders produce compliant followers
3. Secretive leaders produce guarded followers
4. Passive produce disengaged followers
5. Healthy leaders produce faithful followers. Instead of being unpredictable, a healthy leader is predictable and has a plan. They listen and collaborate. The leader gives credit where its due. A healthy leader is transparent and trusting. A healthy leader is trustworthy and creates a sense of openness. A healthy leader is active. A healthy leader is engaged daily in the organization.
6. Empowering leaders. They produce other great leaders. Empowering leaders are going to do all the things a healthy leader does, and then do more. Empowering leaders are not focused on themselves – they give authority and responsibility away. Instead, they empower people with the ability to say ‘yes’ to opportunities and vision.
We love Craig Groeschel’s breakdown because it applies to SO much. Our first thought? Parenting. You’re an empowering leader to your little one so that they can go out and be leaders themselves. Another example? At your job. Another example? Friendships. We’re not saying go out and lead your friends. But we ARE saying, lift them up. Solid friendships empower each other to make good decisions and learn from each other.
Our Second Reference: Brendan Burchard, High Performance Habits
Brendan Burchard says,
"Leaders teach people how to think about themselves, others and the world. Leaders are influencers."
Come again? Yep, you heard us. Leaders have influence. We don’t take that lightly.
Start with the end in mind. You're the leader of a small group in your faith community - what’s your goal for that group? Is there an event you’re planning? A problem you’re solving? Start with what the end goal is & work backwards from there
“Serve others. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Leaders wear lots of different hats. There are leaders & there are coaches & there are teachers. And as a leader, you will sometimes lead, sometimes coach & sometimes teach. So get crystal clear about your role in each interaction. In this moment, am I just teaching this person something and transferring a skill? In this moment, am I coaching someone to answer their own question & solve their own challenge? In this moment, am I leading this person by setting the example, sharing an inspiring story, or encouraging them to step outside of their comfort zone. (This concept suuuuuuper applies to parenting)
People support that which they help to create.
Sometimes, I have a person in my organization who reaches out to me with a question, and I’m away from my phone for a few hours. By the time I’ve picked my phone back up, I have another message saying they figured it out. They found their own answer. So sometimes leadership looks a lot less like hand holding & a lot more like empowering, delegating & breathing belief into people by TRUSTING them to figure it out themselves.
"The wonderful feeling that comes from helping people gives meaning to your accomplishments. if you don't help others, your own success means less." - Mary Kay Ash