I don’t know about you, but I could seriously use some JOY today!
Today we wanted to share a little bit about the cycle that happens to us if you’re growth minded - which we know you are. Sometimes we get caught in this cycle of always thinking forward. What’s next? How are we growing? How are we expanding? How are we diversifying our income? What is our plan for next year or the next 5 years or the next 10 years?
Any of these questions sound familiar? Let's fill that bountiful cup of yours then, girlfriend!

Oftentimes we are living in this mindset of next, next, next, that it somehow takes away from the joy we feel right now. Like we're constantly focused on what’s coming that we forget to celebrate right now. This happened to Frank and I recently when we were dreaming about our next home. Mind you, we just moved into our first home together and we’re ALREADY chatting about what's next.
It got to the point where I had to hit pause on that conversation because I didn’t want to take away from all the excitement that is.
In today’s conversation, I wanted to give us all a little break from thinking about the future and remind you to celebrate your daily wins. Celebrate the fact that you woke up this morning. Because if this year has truly taught us anything, it’s that tomorrow is not guaranteed.
So what is one way you’re going to cultivate joy today?
Here are some of our favorite ways!
1. Treat yo’self
I am in a constant treat yourself frame of mind. Whether that’s treating myself to a cup of coffee at a local shop, or simply having some ice cream at the end of the day (pay no mind that these are all about food lol) having these little splurges truly brighten my spirits. And if you’re not like me and obviously obsessed with food, treating yourself can take on another form! Like treating yourself to a yoga class or a walk around the block. Treating yourself simply means doing something that is going to rejuvenate you! And we're all about rejuvenation over here ;)
This reminds me of a lesson I learned studying abroad in Europe. No one said it aloud ot me, it just has a way of getting infused into your soul. There, people don’t live to work, they work to live. In a word: PLEASURE. Life is for pleasure. So a glass of wine, your favorite food, something special at the end of an ordinary day - that’s my idea of Treat yo’self.
Also quick tip, I’m a big fan of a task-rewards mentality. Like after an hour of focused work, I’ll pop on youtube and watch a Jimmy Fallon monologue. WHatever floats your boat. But a funny video after a serious work session does wonders!
2. Call a friend!
How often do we get caught up in our emails and our work tasks and our errands that we stop to check in with one of our friends? In episode 2 we spoke about how tough it is to keep up with our adult friendships - so cultivate some joy today by catching up with one of your go-to pals. We guarantee that giving them a call or even if they’re not able to chat - just leaving a voice memo for them to get back to will give ya a smile
3. Write down your goals AND THEN, write down everything you love about your life right now.
We don’t want you to stop thinking about your future - but we do want to encourage you to be present. So, go ahead and right down all of your goals for the future. And then, write down what you love about your life right now.
Oooo I have a 3rd list. Write down all the goals you’ve accomplished AND all the future goals you’ve made progress towards. Look at that list, boo. You impressive!!
4. Surprise someone!
The best way to feel good about yourself, is to give to someone else. Would you agree? For me, I love surprises. So maybe, try surprising your husband with a love note tonight or by making his favorite meal? Surprise your daughter by bringing her to get her nails done and bond together. Surprise your mom by dropping off some flowers and catching up.
5. Give
Okay we understand that surprises aren’t for everyone, but giving is. Donate some canned items to your local church or food bank.
6. Celebrate
I am the MOST guilty of this one. I’ll finish a huge project or wrap up a giant accomplishment and literally think “OK, next.” Like I do not plan or prepare or even spontaneously celebrate enough. But what if we did, fam. What if we planned an m&m feast after a boring work day, or a mani/pedi after an event where we stood for a long time, or a trip after landing a monster account? Life is short. YOLO a little. Celebrate a lot!
Oh friends, we are so excited for you to chase all of your dreams. And we believe more than anything that they will come true. We just wanted to pop into your week to remind you that you can chase the future and still be happy right now. So often we find that we get so busy preparing to be happy in the future that we are dissatisfied right now. Let’s avoid that, shall we?
Last week I was listening to the Rachel Hollis Podcast and she mentioned that she often finds herself saying, “let me just get through these next busy couple of days and then I’ll be good.” When in reality, she realized that when we say things like this we’re trying to push off living. Life is in every moment, not just the fun ones. We have to stop thinking of life in these finite moments of time and be present now.