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Writer's pictureAudra + Francesca

EPISODE 17 | I Ain’t Saying She A Goal-Digger

If there was such a thing as a goal-aholic, I think that’d be us. Self Growth nerds. Goal-aholics. Goal-digger. Hustlers. Whatever you wanna call us, we like to chase after the things we want.

And we believe you can too!

In today’s episode we’re gonna dive into the nitty gritty topic of HOW TO goal set. We hear about people “chasing their dreams” all the time, right? But what does that actually mean? What does chasing their dreams on the day to day look like? How are the dreamers actually becoming achievers and what sets them apart?

WELP let’s break it down, friends.

STEP 1: First things first, you need a dream!

Rachel Hollis says, “A goal is a dream with its workboots on.” And we think so, too. We can say we have dreams of starting a business, but it’s not until we sit down with a lawyer, register our company with the state and start meeting with clients that we’re IN business!

So, first write down a list of all your dreams. Nothing is too big. In fact, the bigger THE BETTER! Audra’s trick for this is to write down your biggest most outlandish dream, and then - go bigger. Write THAT one down.

STEP 2: How does that dream become a goal?

A dream stops becoming a dream when we put some action behind it. Want to be able to swim a mile? Awesome! That dream starts becoming a goal when you put on your swimsuit and start doing laps in the pool every day. Picking up what I’m putting down?

What steps do you need to take from where you are now to where you want to be? Let’s keep going with that swim analogy. If you can’t swim ¼ of a mile yet. Start there. That’s your first progress goal. Notice: PROGRESS goal. It’s a smaller goal that you can achieve on your way to that humongo goal you set forth.

A funny but kind of gross analogy is when people ask the question, how do you eat a pile of elephant shit? One bite at a time.

My dad first mentioned that phrase to me and I was totally grossed out, but in a way - he’s right. The climb to the top of the mountain starts with a single step. Guys, there’s TONS of phrases like this. Take whatever works, or whatevers the least gross and go from there.

So, onto swimming - once you achieve your first progress goal. Set your next. Maybe it’s based on time. Maybe you want to be able to swim that ¼ of a mile within a certain time constraint. Or maybe you’re just grooving and want to push your next progress goal to be swimming a .5 mile.

Making sense?

Let’s move onto STEP 3: Why do you want to achieve this goal?

In my fave book of all time, High Performance Habits, Brendan Burchard talks about goal setting a lot. And we really suggest you just go out there and buy the book cause we can’t recommend it enough. But one thing he does is talk about the “why” behind our goals.

What is the deeper meaning behind the goal you’re looking to achieve? Why do you want to be able to swim a mile? Is it to enter into a triathlon? Is it to live a healthier lifestyle? Is it to be a role model to your kids?

Find the why. Emotionally charged goals are ALWAYS more meaningful. When there’s emotion behind a goal you’re chasing, you’re LESS likely to give up.

Tune into this week's episode to hear the WHY behind Audra and I's biggest dreams!


We’ve all heard this, you guys.

Accountability. Accountability. Accountability.

Besides fueling your goal with your own emotional attachment, have someone on the outside check on your progress, too.

What does this look like?

  • Find a coach/mentor/person who’s achieved the goal you want to achieve and talk to them about it. Who do you know who has swam a mile before? What tools did they use? Can you pick their brains? Can they coach you?

  • Who else do you know who would want to reach the same goal? Not only is it so helpful to find someone who’s done the dang thing already to lead you on your way, but it’s AMAZING to find someone who’s just starting out like you, too! Partnership is SO powerful.

  • Lastly, who can you teach along the way? Who can you be a role model for? If you KNOW there’s someone looking up to you, whether that’s a child, or a student, and they’re counting on you to follow through? That’s some powerful shit man.

STEP 5: Last one you guys, REFUSE to give up.

Make the decision. Don’t take no for an answer. No matter how many times you stop. No matter how many times you fall down, get back up.

Have you ever told yourself you want to start eating healthy and then the second day in, you have a piece of cake and you’re like “Welp, guess that’s over!” NO!!!! Come on you guys, NO!

That doesn’t mean your goal is over. Give yourself grace and then get up tomorrow and try again.

If you decide, without a shadow of a doubt that you WILL accomplish your goal - no matter how long it takes or what obstacles come in your way - you WILL accomplish that goal. Just decide. No excuses.

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