How to Handle Hearing No in Your Business Like a Champ.
Truth bomb: hearing no is inevitable. You’re human. You’re alive on planet Earth. Someone, sometime, somewhere is going to tell you no.

In business. In relationships. In LIFE. You're going to here the word, "no." You've also totally told others "no." Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks for handling "no" like a champ!
1. Asking is a numbers game. Sales, client acquisition, dating - you gotta ask enough people. If you only ask 1 person, you’re putting your everything on them. That’s not fair to them
“People can only let you down if you’re leaning on them” - National Sales Director Diana Sumpter
2. NO stands for Next One. You’re standing in a circle with friends. You offer everyone one of your altoids. Some say yes, some say what flavor, some say no thanks. Do you lose sleep over the friends who said no? Break down? Take it personally? Or do you just think, ‘Altoids aren’t their jam,’ and MOVE ON WITH YOUR DAY
3. Have you ever cancelled or postponed on your doctor? Hair stylist? Dinner reservation? Do you think they cry & take it personally? OR have they double booked themselves, so that your cancellation is noooo sweat
4. Take pride in knowing that you’re not for everybody. That’s a GOOD thing, trust us! Because ask yourself - do you like everyone you come in contact with? Probably not. And that’s okay! So if someone gives ya a no, trust that they weren’t a great fit for you / your biz anyway!
Now let's take a breather here. *inhale, exhale* there ya go, boo. Cause we also want to address something SUPER REAL in the biz world and that's this:
It is VVV real that a no feels better than a ghost. If you’ve ghosted someone, we’re going to ask you to do the right thing. Retroactively but at least next time. Have the integrity to say “no thanks,” or “I need to take a pass.”
But eventually when someone ghosts you, I promise you will begin to just feel bad for them. For what they’re missing out on. They’re missing out on YOU, what you have to offer, the value you could add to their life, the fulfillment of connecting with you. Sad for them. NEXT.
Phew, now that THAT'S over - let's move on. Now that you've gotten a dose of our mindset tricks AND are strutting past the shadow of your ghosts - we want to share with you some REAL, TANGIBLE, AND TACTICAL TIPS for moving past the "No" and onto "NOTORIOUS"
People are people. Life will happen. To you and to the people who you’re asking. So book twice as many ____ as you’d like to hold. Promise your doctor is doing this. That’s why they don’t care when you cancel & that’s why they’re loaded :)
If you’re in a service industry/business where you can’t double book, take the time to get laser specific about what you want. In business - find your niche. In relationships, what kind of person/friend/boyfriend/girlfriend are you looking for? When you’re able to hone in what you’re exactly looking for and communicate it effectively - the right people will start coming to you!
Ask a mentor in your field what their cancellation rate is, run the numbers on your own. If your numbers are vastly different, maybe it’s time for a training. Maybe it’s time to switch up your approach.
Don’t waste time wondering why me. Don’t take it personally. “You’ve Got Mail” mantra from Dad of America Tom Hanks - it’s not personal, it’s business.
Have you ever chosen to go to one nail salon over another? Why? Do you call the other nail salon and apologize? NO! It’s not personal. Trust us. Everyone’s just looking for businesses, service providers, friends, relationships with people that can meet them where they are. And if they’re turning you down - maybe they’re not the right people for you.
Even when it hurts, Ask anyway. You've got a 50/50 shot.
We used to have this saying in soccer that says you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. So take the dang shot! That’s the only way you’re going to score. Also don’t get used to Francesca making sports references, this was probably a one time thing…
Let it slide right off your back, honey and focus on the yes. The yes that feels so dang good cause your ideal client booked with you. Then, serve the heck out of them. Serve and love on them so well that they can’t help but brag about you to their friends. Cause guess what - then their friends will come to you, too!
Don’t give anyone the power over your goal. A no does NOT mean you quit. Every set back is just a set up for a comeback. Friend, if you're an entrepreneur - that dream has been placed on your heart for a reason. Own that. Nobody can take that dream of yours away. It doesn't matter if it takes you 5, 10, 15 years to achieve it. There's no time limit. You're growing and learning SO dang much along the way. Don't give up. The world needs what YOU'VE got.